Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Krabi & Ao nang

Best meal on this trip

Sofitel Ao Nang

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Amphawa, Pattaya & Hua Hin


Amphawa floating market (use to be a fishing village, now it's a week-end night market)

She dress up like a doll,everyday for photo, you may see here around in pattaya where ever there is a crowd

Pattaya floating market, representing different parts of Thailand (N,S,E & West)

Central Pattaya Cinemaplex

Sofitel Hua Hin

At Plearn wan (how 1940's-50's Thailand is like), Hua Hin

Stuffed, us usual after seafood lunch at Hua Hin....

Monday, June 21, 2010

KSR 110 & NC110 AirBlade

Phoom wants me to get this for our daily run to his school. This is a kawasaki mini-bike, KSR110, with a 4mm rebore it can go up to 150cc. There a lot of after market parts to soup and dress this up.....vrooomm. (click the bike for a bigger view)

This is the AirBlabe we are using now.

Watch this space for Bells

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Brilliant Site for FIFA 2010

Brilliant site if you need to know the schedules and result of FIFA-2010 World Cup, all on one page......just brilliant!


Free Al-Quran Software

Stumble upon this whilst surfing blogs, may it bring enlightenment to those who seeks joy and happiness . Recital & translation (in english & malay) the AL-Quran.

Lets read the Al-Quran